Sunday, September 21, 2008

4.drowning brother

“Yeahhh ! I am going to the beach” I exclaimed in delight as I packed my swimming clothes. It was the start of the school holiday. My father had promised us a fun filled day at the beach. As it was a sunny and bright day, I packed my sunscreen to protect myself from exposure to the harmful UV rays. I wanted to dive underwater and search for different types of seashells. I also wanted to stay far away from my younger brother who was irritating me the whole week.

When we reached the sandy shores, we set up a picnic umbrella for our shelter. We immediately rushed to the inviting sea. After I found my share of seashells , I went back to our picnic umbrella . All of us except my brother was under the umbrella. My brother was playing at the shore of the beach. We were having our lunch, not realising that the tide was coming in. When we looked at the shore, my brother was no where to be found. We frantically ran to the waters in search for my younger brother. We saw him floating helplessly like a rag doll.

My father immediately swam out into the water and dragged my unconscious brother to the shore. The lifeguards who were stationed at the beach rushed to the aid of my brother. They performed CPR on my brother. after a while, my brother regained consciousness. This ordeal will forever be etched in my mind.

1 comment:

tsooc said...

Dear Vinith,

Good complete story. Keep it up. You can also include descriptions of how your brother drowns and what you saw to make your story come alive. Show rather than tell. Looking forward to your 2nd draft.