Sunday, May 24, 2009

when women take the wheel

summary :

Two women from the BMW motor industry have made a stylish BMW roadster,primarily for women

opinion 1:

Normally cars symbolise men but that is actually stereo typing as,there are an increasing no. of female drivers .I'm not surprised that two women made a stunningly designed car but I'm quite surprised that the public is not supportive of this made- by-women-for-women concept car .I also think that the communities in Singapore are getting more affluent as,more people are buying cars especially wommen .

opinion 2:

To most people ,the car made by these two women are both stylish and convinient.It has a Soft-top hood with a 2.4 litre engine that can hold twice as much oil.It is preferably for women rather than men.

1 comment:

YHLin said...

Dear Vin***,

why do you choose this topic?! This is very difficult to give your opinions. I'm glad that you sort of support the women :) The public should not look down on women because what men can do,women can also do it qually well or even better. However, I don't understand why is there a need to make cars specially for women. More cars might add to the air pollution and global warming. The consequences would be dire, floods and more water-borne diseases, some animals due to the high temperature goes extinct,etc.

Yeo HLin